If last year seemed like a constant struggle to cross an impossible finish line, you are not alone. Many have felt the onslaught of obstacles in their path. Now it may seem as if the signs are pointing you in the same direction this year.

Business owners with on-premise signs may want to consider how well those signs are working for them. The value of any sign is measured in the overall profit that it generates. One example is having either non-illuminated signs or illuminated signs that have not been serviced to keep the lights on. Driving down the street in the early morning hours or late at night, one can see which signs are having issues or which ones are just dark. Many people who could be reached as potential patrons are then also left in the dark.

But what is the overall impact on sales for poorly lit or unlit signs? A professional market research firm conducted a survey to find the answers. On average, a business owner with non-illuminated or poorly lit signs can expect an 11% to 21% loss on sales.

But you may be wondering how that is possible if your business does not operate over night. Yet the results of the survey also found the respondents reasons for keeping the lights on. On a 7-point scale with 7 being the highest possible score, they were asked to rate the reasons and how important each is, as follows.

  • Reinforces advertising as part of integrated marketing communications (6.14)
  • Brands the business’ location (6.14)
  • Enhances store image (6.21)
  • Helps communicated the business’ location (6.19)

There are many ways to achieve success in relation to on-site signage. But one of the key factors is visibility. On overcast days and at night, the signs that are maintained and well lit, stand out against the dreary backdrop of an unlit landscape. Motorists eyes are drawn to light instinctively. Your location and brand need to take advantage of this.

Every business owner wants a brighter future. An older sign with outdated fluorescent lighting could be upgraded to utilize the newest, brighter LED technology. Or a business may want to replace their non-illuminated signs completely. Then again, it may be a simple matter of servicing an existing sign to replace parts.

This is a new year and you deserve a fresh start!

Akers Signs is ready to talk to you about these possible solutions and offer our assistance and professional insight. If you would like to discuss the available options, contact us today.

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